Zero Emission Mobility Innovation Fund – manufacture or deployment of zero emission niche and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (HDV) components, systems, and vehicles

Scottish Enterprise and Transport Scotland have developed ZEMIF to support Scottish based businesses to scale the manufacture of prototype zero emission niche and HDV components, systems and vehicles through R&D activities.

The fund will encourage collaboration and clustering of innovation activity as projects move towards low-volume manufacturing. Successful project outcomes will be commercialised to fuel the decarbonisation of niche and HDVs in Scotland and across the globe.

The fund has two main strands. These are:

  • Innovation2Manufacture – for R&D projects focused on enabling the manufacture of prototype zero emission vehicles, components and systems, through to small scale manufacturing
  • Innovation2Deployment – for R&D projects aimed at the rapid testing of new transport ideas using technology, business model, software, and financial innovation

More detail here >>> Zero Emission Mobility Innovation Fund (ZEMIF) – Scottish Enterprise (

Category Clean energySustainable mobility
Application period 01/03/2023 — 31/03/2026

