TCCG Home page Forums Main forum Inquire for a 20 min online presentation about CE ecosystems in Scotland

  • Inquire for a 20 min online presentation about CE ecosystems in Scotland

    Posted by Kaisa Sibelius on 28/04/2023 at 6:22 am


    I am writing to you on behalf of the TREASoURcE* project to inquire about your interest in presenting an example of an ecosystem at our upcoming webinar, “Deep dive into European Circular Economy Ecosystems”. Specifically, we are seeking practical examples related to plastics, re-used EV batteries, and bio-based side and waste streams.

    We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with insight into the purpose of one of your ecosystems, who the beneficiaries are, and any pros and cons that come with creating and maintaining the ecosystem. The presentation should be around 20 minutes, including a Q&A session.

    TREASoURcE is part of the EU’s Circular Cities and Regions Initiative, which aims to support the implementation of circular economy solutions throughout Europe’s cities and regions. Our project focuses on developing technologies and systemic circular economy solutions for currently underutilized or unused plastic waste, end-of-life electric vehicle batteries, and bio-based side and waste streams. By working with companies, societies (including citizens, consumers, communities, and regional actors), and experts in the field, we hope to significantly increase product and material circulation in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Regions. (See more

    The webinar is scheduled for May 26th, from 9:00-12:00 CET, and its purpose is to present how to create value chains and ecosystems in the circular economy industry. Our audience consists of project partners and other stakeholders from Nordics and Baltics.

    I have attached a preliminary agenda below, and would greatly appreciate your participation. Some of the examples are confirmed, and I am still searching for the best cases to present, so you can select the most suitable domain.


    9:00 Welcome, TREASoURcE intro (short)

    9:05 Circular economy ecosystems create new value chains – Tiina Laiho, Clic Innovation (FI)

    • Introduction to ecosystem thinking and managing of ecosystems
    • Introduction of the TREASoURcE co-creation workshop methodology to map value chains along new key value chains (batteries, bio-based side streams, plastics)

    9:40 Hurdles of the ecosystem creation – finding of the key values chains of Treasource project – Pirkko Eteläaho, Business Tampere (FI)

    • Plastics, batteries & bio-based side streams

    10:00 European ecosystem examples (20 min/each) <font color=”#ff2600″>(Bolded confirmed)</font>

    <b style=”background-color: transparent; font-family: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color); font-size: 1rem;”>Founder Cynthia Reynolds (Circular Regions, Convener Circular Economy Coalition)

    10:20 Example from Scotland?

    10:40 Holland Circular Hotspot?

    11:00 Sweden , Rise?

    Professor <b style=”background-color: transparent; font-family: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color); font-size: 1rem;”>Henrik Wenzel (SDU Life Cycle Engineering, Institut for Grøn Teknologi)

    12:00 Event concludes

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your response.

    *) Territorial and regional demonstrations of systemic solutions of key value chains and their replication to deploy circular economy

    Kind regards,

    Kaisa Sibelius
    Project Manager

    TREASoURcE project

    Forum Virium Helsinki
    Unioninkatu 24
    00130 Helsinki
    Tel. +358 40 570 1317

    Kaisa Sibelius replied 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Alan Whiteside

    03/05/2023 at 11:44 am

    Hi Kaisa,

    Sounds like an interesting event. I will look to sign up.

    I do not live in the Tay Region so other members will be able to give local examples. However, I would suggest Zero Waste Scotland may have some good examples, who are an NGO that lead of Scotland using products and resources responsibly.

    • Kaisa Sibelius

      08/05/2023 at 7:00 am

      Hello Alan,

      Thank you for replying.
      Could we have a short chat e.g. today (Monday 8th May) or tomorrow? I would like to confirm the programme asap.
      It’s not necessary to have examples only from Scotland, any good examples are more than welcome.
      You can send me an email or call me +358 40 5701317
      Br. Kaisa

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