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  • Global Business Innovation Programme – Clean Growth

    Posted by Derek Stewart on 30/09/2022 at 3:24 pm

    Up to 15 high-growth innovative businesses are supported during each Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP). They explore and exploit the collaboration, growth and innovation opportunities that exist in a specific business market around a specific theme, from Agritech to AI. The GBIP provides detailed market knowledge, introductions and cultural insight that SMEs would find difficult to obtain themselves. Up to 15 high-growth innovative businesses are supported during each Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP). They explore and exploit the collaboration, growth and innovation opportunities that exist in a specific business market around a specific theme, from Agritech to AI. The GBIP provides detailed market knowledge, introductions and cultural insight that SMEs would find difficult to obtain themselves. Apply here:

    Nora Ferda-McKay replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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