CONSULTATION: UK Emissions Trading Scheme scope expansion: waste

Closing date: 2 August 2024

The UK ETS Authority (UK Government, Northern Ireland Executive, Scottish Government and Welsh Government) is seeking views on the implementation of the expansion of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme to energy from waste and waste incineration. The consultation, proposes options and / or seeks views on:

  • The scope of the scheme, including which activities are covered, thresholds for
    inclusion and exemptions
  • Participating in the scheme, including requirements for operators, monitoring,
    reporting and verification, and guidance
  • Impacts of the scheme and risks, including diversion of waste to landfill and
    waste export, decarbonisation pathways for customers, cost pass through to
    customers and equality considerations
  • How to adjust the UK ETS cap for waste
  • How the UK ETS could potentially incentivise investment in heat networks.

Link to consultation here: Expanding the ETS to the energy from waste and waste incineration – Department for Energy Security and Net Zero – Citizen Space

