Accelerating Net Zero Living in Perth and Kinross
Revitalised Homes
Revitalising Homes will look at a whole systems approach to retrofit through engagement with local suppliers and installers, identifying green skills gaps, exploring and modifying a customer re-claim model for funding and creating a viable business model for a sustainable retrofit project. The theme will focus on the entire Perth & Kinross local authority area.
The majority of work focus on two schemes that will be available for homeowners, and private and social housing landlords to utilise:
1) creating a Knowledge Hub as a central source of trusted information on the retrofit process and home improvement measures
2) creating a viable business model for a one-stop-shop for retrofit advice and support.
Connecting Regional Travel
The Connecting Regional Travel theme will investigate the viability of two new services focusing on the rural town of Aberfeldy. One will look at an express bus route out of the town to Perth, and another will concentrate on a minibus service connecting surrounding villages with Aberfeldy. Work will also look at synchronising bus schedules with vital destinations like healthcare facilities or train stations, provision of express bus services and feasibility of peer-to-peer transport services. Additionally, it will investigate reduced-cost fare options to stimulate demand and encourage a shift in commuting patterns, ultimately striving to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.