Little Yarrow River realignment
Water catchment management and water quality improvement in the form of Riparian Woodland establishment is a very successful way to safeguard a river environment. It stabilises banks, improves aquatic habitat, increase biodiversity and increases tree cover. Wemyss and March Estate works closely with Tweed Forum on numerous such projects. One such project was the realignment of the Little Yarrow River to its original course. This work re-established a natural flood plain, created a new wetland habitat and improved biodiversity of the area. In the process waters flow rates have been slowed down to provide natural flood attenuation. The new wet land area has been planted with trees – a simple project with multiply gains.
TIME: The project took 18 months in planning / approval and 3 months to deliver.
COST: the overall cost was approx. £170k which was supported by a grant form NatureScot.
PARTNERS: NatureScot, Wemyss and March estate, Tweed Forum, SEPA