Advanced plant and crop solutionsAgri-data systemsAIAutomationBattery storageClean energyData & digital solutionsData managementEco-friendly hospitality servicesEco-friendly Recreational servicesEnergy distributionEnergy efficient agricultureEnergy efficient buildingsEnergy StorageFood & drink productionGreen agritechHeat energyHydrogen gas networksLow carbon energyMicro-renewablesNew high value cropsOffshore WindOnshore wind energyPrecision farmingRemote monitoringSensorsSmart gridsSoftware and IT servicesSustainable mobilitySustainable tourismVertical farmingWave & tidal energy


Think of local energy systems like an enabling technology; Addressing UN SDG 7, Clean Affordable Energy, creates an opportunity to think beyond power, heat and transport and address additional SDGs
Current phase Planning
Funding Scottish governmentUK government

Clean affordable reliable local energy systems have the potential to be more impactful than their primary purpose to decarbonise our reliance on fossil fuels.

In this case, Businesses, Academics, Public Sector Organisations and Third Sector Organisations will co-innovate renewable energy applications to address three forms of poverty:

  • Fuel Poverty
  • Food Poverty
  • Financial Poverty

Fuel Poverty

NHS, Local Authorities, Third Sector Organisations and Housing Associations will build around the success of Warm Home Prescription from the Energy Systems Catapult to create a local wellbeing alliance that identify local priorities, create collaborative policies and projects and measure key parameters of societal impact, environmental impact and economical impact to create new business models. The focus would be on early year of live, vulnerable groups and healthy ageing.

Food Poverty

Vertical farms will be powered by clean affordable local energy to provide non-domestic fruits, vegetables and salads into the local food ecosystem, without displacing the current local supply chain. This will open up a variety of opportunities to support food banks, public sector catering and the hospitality industry with new business models that improve the quality of life for communities.

Financial Poverty

Implementing infrastructure and innovation will create new local business opportunities for both new business and the sustainable growth of existing businesses.  These new opportunities will stimulate education and employment that leads to more and better paid jobs that improve the quality of life and offer financial stability that creates further opportunities for introducing products and services that support rural and urban sustainable development.

This includes new business models for the public sector that utilises fuel to prevent or reduce the incidence of medical conditions associated with or exacerbated by fuel poverty. The other big opportunity is personal food plans that also reduce incidence and prevalence of health conditions and reduce the number of admissions, lengths of hospital stay, GP appointments, prescriptions, etc.

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